Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter and the Spring Show

fatty here...
As much as I tried to get away from the commercialization of the Easter celebration, it is tough to do when you have such great kids! Easter weekend PJ and I decided to spend some individual quality time with our kid(s). PJ and Patrick spent some time at the bookstore while Mary was in vision therapy and he got the book he had wanted. PJ brought Patrick home to stay with Elli and I, then took Mary to go see Hannah Montana the Movie...seriously what a great dad. He even admitted that he liked it. On Saturday, it was Elli and my turn.
Elli for months had been trying to earn a chance to go to Build a Bear Workshop. We used to go there a lot when she was younger, but it had been a long time. When I gave her a basket full of plastic Easter eggs with the secret message "Let's go to Build a Bear", I was very surprised with how excited she was. Her day had been made!
She was so excited to get her Elephant, "Elowise". She just loved every minute of that day!
Sunday , the Easter Bunny suprised all of us with baskets full of candy and little gifts. PJ even got a replacement shirt for the one he ruined with his "fancy Levenger pen". My gift was best of all. Elli made me a beautiful card with a Poem and gave me a necklace that she had from Chicago and PJ actually gave me the gift certificate for the Pregnancy Massage that he gave me for Valentine's Day! (I am just teasing was exactly what I had been needing since the charleyhorses in my legs were getting severe!) I can't thank him enough, it was wonderful.

Elli here...
She was right,it was fun.
But today something was also a lot of fun...MY SPRING SHOW! (if you don't know what a spring show is , it is where each and every class does a singing and dancing performance) On Wednesday, we got to see the builders build the gigantic stage. We even got to see them to use the jackhammer! Friday, the stage was ready for business. Then, the big day came! It was so much fun! There was a snow cone shack and dip n dots! Jumpy house and a carnival! what a fun day! Here are some pictures of me and some of my friends...

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

When did you get glasses? Now you look a little like Megan. I like them! Sorry we couldn't be there to see your spring show. Your mom said it was great. I like the name you picked for your elephant. Love, Gma