Friday, May 25, 2007

A Hard Week

Well a week ago I quit my job with nothing lined up! Whew, that is a rush! But everything happens for a reason and this happened because I was just not happy where I was at. I am very lucky to have so many friends in the mortgage business who are willing to help me find a new, better gig.

Then, on Wednesday I went out for a ride and I was only about 2 miles from my house and I was riding with only one hand on the bars and the wind caught me and took me down. In all my years of riding and racing, I do not think I have gone down so hard as I did on Wednesday. Luckily, only damage was the brand new bar tape (about 50 miles on it!) and the brand new kit from Pig Boy, that I was doing the maiden ride.

Team in Training - I have raised $26,000, which is not bad but a little less than my goal of $50,000. The ride is next weekend. I am not in as good as shape as I should be for the ride.

Patrick & Mary's last day of school was yesterday. They are excited for a summer swimming playing.

Stay safe.