Sunday, March 08, 2009

So Many Emotions...So Little Time

I really can't complain about being pregnant...yet somehow, I still do. My poor little sister is chained to a toilet bowl and literally hooked up to an IV to keep her hydrated, and I complain because my leather boots won't zip up past my fat calves! Or that I have to take tips from my 14 year old step son on how to handle my new found combination skin and pre-pubescent breakouts. But I have to say the worst part so far has been my absolute inability to keep my emotions in check.

I am getting huge paybacks from constantly teasing PJ about his "sensitive" side. I am not a super emotional girl...however, right now all bets are off. I am putting him to shame. (Although, just as a sidenote, he did tear up at the end of the final episode of The Bachelor the other night and I did not. Although, I had already cried twice that day.)

Unfortunately, it is not just the crying, it is the complete inability to handle anything in the least bit stressful. Most of you world is stress. Normally, I don't get out of bed unless the stress meter is at least a seven! Now, if my cat even meows in the wrong tone, I am on my knees crying that I am a bad cat mom! I don't even like cats. Animals should be worn or cooked in a delicate whitewine sauce! Is it possible to get post partum...pre-partum?

Poor Elli gets the brunt of it because she knows my moods better than just about anyone and she is constantly asking me if I'm ok. She knows one wrong mood swing and she's in for Niagra Falls and a just touch of crazy just for good measure. She doesn't evenbother me now when I am on the phone...she is probably just happy that she doesn't have to listen to me!

PJ is probably bonusing his travel scheduler at work to throw in all the extra "salestrips" he's taking right now. In the last 4 weeks he's been traveling for work for at least 3 of them. Impecable timing? Or planned "I would rather be in 10 degree weather on sales calls than sleep with the crazy fat chick that I has taken over my wife's mind and body?" I don't know jury is still out on that one.

Patrick is the smart one...he is being so nice to me and tries to make me laugh, but that is probably just because he wants to see if I really will gain 50 lbs with this baby.

I have to think I am not the one who deals with this. I don't drink anymore (even before the pregnancy) so I can't cry in my beer. I don't drink coffee or soda anymore so I can't take the edge off. The economy sucks so I can't just go get a pedicure or massage anytime I would like. Work isn't ANY fun, so I'm not throwing myself into that anymore. I have become a little obsessed with coupons and the grocery store lately (I did save $96.00 yesterday at Albertson's-which gave me a little happy) but that is offset by the fact that I hate grocery shopping.

So here I am at 5am pity-blogging. I miss my family, and down-time and vacations with my husband. I don't remember being this emotional (read unstable) when I was pregnant with Elli, but PJ says that's just because he's so emotional and the baby is throwing me some of his emotional side in my system. See I knew it was his fault!

Well, we will see how today goes. See if I can hold it together. Wish me luck!


Christian and Melissa said...

I loved reading this because it's almost exactly how I feel! The funny thing is that I've become obsessed with coupon clipping too! It's such an thrill when you look at the HUGE amount you save on the receipt! FYI, I'm totally stoked about tomorrow because Walgreens is having an amazing sale. Check out this link:
If you print off this coupon and take it to Walgreens, somehow, you can get two jumbo packs of Huggies and a package of Huggies wipes for $1!!! You can't beat that! Just thought you'd appreciate that one! Love ya!

Kathryn said...

Oh, Amy, I wish I could be there to comiserate (sp) with you. Let's see if I can cheer you up. Compare your situation to mine: You are emotional and miserable because you are about to produce a brand new daughter whom you will instantly love even more than Tonx! plus the economy has you under a cloud. Mine: I am not emotional-just angry-that I have to suffer hot flashes about every two hours since going off Premarin. And the economy has put such a cloud over Ralph that it affects me. Did that do any good?